
Showing posts from April, 2024

Nature’s Gift: Discover The Magic Of Healing Mental Stress

  Introduction: Are you facing some or any of these situations? The hands of your clock are stuck at 2:30 pm, and you are still waiting for the sleeping stage… All of your family members are enjoying a get-together. But you are still thinking about your next day's presentation at the office…Your beloved child is telling you to play. Once it was the most happy moment for you. But now it is irritating you… Are you facing any of these situations? Then, my friend, you are in STRESS. This term is now common to everyone, from a 5-year-old child to a 90-year-old person. But the question is, why are we stressed? What is the next situation of stress? Should we come out of this situation ourselves? How does nature help us to feel stress-free?  If you want to know the answers, then let's drive this article. What Is Stress? Stress is nothing but a state of mental tension that pushes us to face some challenges and threats in our lives. It may be physical, mental, or any emotional state of ...

The Most Challenging Journey: From Hell To Heaven

The Most Challenging Journey: From Hell To Heaven Ovarian cysts or tumors in the uterus or ovary are the most common problems with 7 out of 10 women. I was one of them. In 2019, it was detected that I had cysts in my uterus. As usual, I went to a famous Gynecologist for my treatment. According to him, it was curable by using medicines. The fact is that we, the general people, pretend all the doctors are next to God. As a result, my treatment moved on with him.  But after two years of treatment, my Doctor gave up and suggested surgery. I was completely ruined as it would remove my whole reproductive system, and the main upset part was I had no kid.  Journey Started In Vellore CMC:   After a long discussion with the whole family, relatives, and friends, we decided to go to Vellore, CMC. I applied for an emergency appointment in the Gyno department in CMC, and with my husband, I sat on the flight (of course, for the first time) and went to Vellore. As belonging to a middle-...

The Trendiest Yoga Styles For Summer

  The Trendiest Yoga Styles For Summer Oh no! The weather report blinks on the mobile screen with 42 0 C! Please turn on the AC! Ah! Relief. But when you get out of your AC room or office or car, it is still 42 0 C. Now, what to do? Experts suggest that you should keep yourself cool with proper hydration, avoid non spicy foods, wear comfortable clothes, and avoid getting out in the sun like these. But we need some extra care to stay healthy in this hot season. From ancient times, especially in India, our Sages found almost all solutions for each problem with the help of nature and by practicing proper yoga posture. Seems ridiculous? But think, at that time, there was no AC, fan, or cooler, and it was not even refrigerated to get cold water. But they used earthen pots to make the water cool and planted trees around their houses to get fresh and cool air. Like these, the daily practice of some particular yoga can keep you healthy in this super hot season, and we got these from anci...

Reconnecting with Nature: Lessons from Ancient India

  Reconnecting with Nature: Lessons from Ancient India                                           Everyone is familiar with the term "environment." Alternatively, it may be claimed that everyone knows. The environment includes the vast sky, wind, water, lush woods, crop-producing soil, animals, insects, and creatures that surround us with maternal affection. Many people use the term Ecology instead of the phrase Nature, which supplies all of the logistics for human survival. However, the definition of the term ecological is vast. The term Ecology is formed from the combination of the Greek terms 'Oikos' and 'Logas,' and according to the data, it refers to the study of caring for living creatures' environments.        Although environmental thought...

Yoga And Meditation: Journey From Worst To Wonderful Life

  Yoga And Meditation: Journey From Worst To Wonderful Life Introduction: We are living in such an era where ‘stress’ and ‘tension’ are the two enemies that stick with us like our shadows. They never let us be in peace, even for a single moment. Some of us have professional tension, some of us have physical trouble, some have career-oriented tension, and so on. And the ultimate result is worse physical and mental health. With these conditions, we are not only suffering alone but also giving trouble to others, those who care for us, love us, and depend on us. But if there are problems, there must be solutions. I know that when I tell you the way to the solution, most of you laugh at me. And your first expression will be, “Ah! Is it so easy? If it is true, then why are most people suffering?” Now, my answer is that only proper Yoga and Meditation can give you a better chance to overcome all of your problems. Seems funny? Then give your precious time to go through this article, and I ...